The only firefighter course you need to pass your exam.
80% of students who take the OFAI FACT, NFST, CPS, or OS test the first time fail their first attempt. Not only is this discouraging but it can also set you back months waiting for the next cycle all while costing you money. Students who have taken our course increase their odds of passing the exam the first time by over 60%! We also give you lifetime access meaning you can prepare and review for your test as many times as you need to!
Get StartedDon't go into your exam unprepared. Take unlimited practice tests ahead of time and build confidence in the CPS™ style, Gledhill Shaw™ OS style, OFAI NFST FACT™ style tests and General Fire Tests. Plus see detailed results, and identify areas of weakness where you can improve to be well prepared for your exam.
Our tests can be curated to a specific group, or an entire organization so you can feel confident the investment you make in your team will be used to it's fullest potential!
Passing your test is only part of your journey. Learn essential skills in passing the physical fitness test, and interview portions like a pro. We Provide: