B. Wright, Captain, Toronto Fire Sevices
“As Captain with the Toronto Fire Service and over 30 years experience, I know that the recruitment process is extremely challenging. Every applicant we hire has pretty much the same qualifications or experience as the next applicant, the difference comes down to the written test results and how you handle the interview. I can tell you right now – without complete preparation you will likely not make it. Test Ready Pro is by far the best resource available for all Firefighter Candidates, I highly recommend TRP.”
John Collie, President Rescue 7 Inc. Former Toronto Firefighter, 19 years experience
“If you are serious about becoming a Firefighter here in Ontario or abroad, you must pass initial entrance testing and you must have a compliment of required skills and certifications. TRP should be part of every applicant’s preparation process… I fully endorse and recommend TRP.”
Ken Leslie, A. Captain R241, Toronto Fire Services
“Entry into the Fire Service is incredibly competitive. You need every advantage you can get. Test Ready Pro offers you as a Candidate the most comprehensive resource for preparing for every stage of the recruitment process- from medical training and certification through written test and interview preparation. TRP is an extremely valuable tool for all FF applicants.”
Cst. Brett, Toronto Police Service
“Did you know Toronto Police Service (TPS) receives approximately 5000 – 8000 applications a year and only 300 may get hired in a strong hiring year. The competition is intense. You need every advantage you can get. It’s simply not enough to have a Police Foundations Diploma or a Degree. I highly recommend Test Ready Pro.”
J. Lane, President LEPAT, Police Recruitment Officer, 20 years experience, British Columbia
As both President of Law Enforcement Physical Abilities Testing (LEPAT) and a serving police officer in British Columbia with 20 years experience, I fully endorse the Test Ready Pro system to help you prepare for your law enforcement application. Through my recent experience as a recruiting officer, I know the value recruiters place on a well-prepared applicant; good preparation sets you above others and makes recruiters sit up and take notice. There are three main areas of a law enforcement application in which you can, with a little effort, improve your skills and make yourself as competent and competitive as possible: the written entrance exams; the physical abilities test; and the interview. Test Ready Pro is the best system I’ve seen to help you prepare for success, and LEPAT is proud to be a partner in that process.
Sean Baldwin, Firefighter, Ontario & British Columbia
“As a recent graduate of Firefighter Training and active working firefighter, I found the TRP Program to be most helpful and useful resource for preparing for the both the CPS and Gledhill type of FF testing, both in Ontario and in B.C. I highly recommend and endorse TRP.”
As you can see, Test Ready Pro is respected by many leaders in the public service fields, whether they’re hiring based on results from the CPS test, PATI test, or any of the prep tests we offer on our site. Follow their lead by finding the right test for you today!